The seven principal or primary chakras at the midline of the body connect with our physical organs and systems as well as our emotions, family, past lives and our beliefs. Each of the seven plays a unique role in supporting the body’s energy field and the total human being.

What is a Chakra? Follow the link to the previous article to learn more about chakras and their role in the body’s energy field.

The Seven Major Chakras:

David L Cunningham Spiritual Healing Centre Healing for Mind Body and Soul

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Root (muladhara) – The root chakra is located at the base of the spine or between the legs. This is the chakra where we ground ourselves. It may relate to our sense of body, the lower digestive organs, and some of the sexual organs. Emotionally, this chakra is where we connect with the values of the family we were born to, and the family in which we were raised.

Sacral (swadhisthana) – Just above the root chakra, the sacral chakra is our sexual and creative center, corresponding to the womb and to that aspect of the spirit which is drawn to create: art, music, story-telling, spreadsheets, business cards, and anything else! The colour of this chakra is thought to be orange (though, as a creative energy center, it is one of the most likely chakras to change colour and to hold layers of different colours). This chakra is where we connect to friendships and our relationship with a significant other.

Solar Plexus (manipura) – Also known as the “navel” chakra, the solar plexus chakra is the chakra of the stomach, pancreas, liver, and the upper portion of the small intestine and other digestive organs. This is where we digest and break down the experiences of life. The solar plexus chakra is often yellow. It is where we hold and process our relationship to ourself, and where we make our inner decisions about life. It is also connected to the immune system.

Heart (anahata) – The heart chakra is located in the center of the body, to the right of the physical heart. It is often rose-coloured or a vibrant green. It holds all of our emotions, especially the most powerful ones: the things we love and things we hate. The heart chakra may be open or constricted depending on our approach to life and to the loves and losses that are thrown our way. The heart chakra is where the physical and spiritual selves are integrated in one being.

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Throat (vishuddha) – The throat chakra is intimately connected with the thyroid gland. Emotionally and energetically, it is tied in with the voice, communication, spoken and written words. The throat is the meeting place between the trunk of the body, including the heart, and the head. It is an important and unpredictable energy center. This colour of this chakra is often blue.

Third Eye (ajna) – Sometimes called the “brow” chakra, the third eye chakra is located on the forehead, directly over the pineal gland. As its name suggests, this center’s meaning relates to vision and insight, especially spiritual intuition and power, and is related in meaning to the colour indigo.

Crown (sahasrara) – The crown chakra is located on the top of the head, just where a baby’s soft spot would be. This is the energy center which connects us with higher power, with our concept of divinity, with the Universe and all the potential that is out there. When we meditate or receive vibrational healing, we may open this chakra. The colour of the crown chakra is usually considered to be violet or pure white light.

Other Minor Chakras:

There are hundreds of minor energy centers scattered throughout your body, especially around the joints and other areas that move. The following are three of the more interesting “smaller chakras” of the body:

“High Heart”– The “high heart” chakras are two symmetrical chakras which inhabit the front of each shoulder (forming an inverted triangle with the heart chakra). They support the heart chakra energy.

“Ground” – This chakra is thought to exist below the root chakra, at the base of the feet (or between the feet). It is our connection with the earth and the very ground we walk upon. For people whose root chakra is weak or unsteady, it sometimes help to visualize energy here, rising from the earth up into the feet and from there to the rest of the body. The colour of the grounding chakra is magenta.

“Thymus” – Located on the breastbone directly over the thymus gland, which feeds the immune system, this chakra has been introduced recently as relating to our connection to divine truth. This is where we can bring in the new energy to revitalize our tired planet, our lives, and our selves. The thymus chakra is turquoise or a brilliant, pale green-blue.

There is a lot of debate over the meanings and relevance of each of the chakras. Have an opinion? Been taught something different from what is presented here? Please post a message on our discussion boards.

Back to the introductory article: What are Chakras? and see also: What Can You Read in the Aura? and What’s My Aura Color?

Read more at Suite101: The Seven Major Chakras: …And some of the minor energy centers, too!

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